
We congratulate all awardees for their outstanding contributions to the conceptual modeling community.

DKE Best Paper Awards

– DKE Best Paper Award 2016:
An analysis of ontologies and their success factors for application to business
by Christina Feilmayr and Wolfram Wöß

– DKE Best Paper Award 2017:
Big data technologies and Management: What conceptual modeling can do
by Veda C. Storey and Il-Yeol Song

ER’2020 Awards

– Best Paper Award:
An Empirical Study on the Design and Evolution of NoSQL Database Schemas
by  Stefanie Scherzinger and Sebastian Sidortschuck

– Best Student Paper Award:
Assessing the Compliance of Business Process Models with Regulatory Documents
by Karolin Winter, Han van der Aa, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Matthias Weidlich

– Best Presentation Award:
Transformation of Ontology-Based Conceptual Models into Relational Schemas
presented by Joao Paulo Almeida, written by Gustavo Guidoni, Joao Paulo Almeida and Giancarlo Guizzardi

ER’2020 Forum Awards

– Best Paper Award:
Towards a Multi-Objective Modularization Approach for Entity-Relationship Models
by  Dominik Bork, Antonio Garmendia and Manuel Wimmer

– Best Demo Award:
TOOL – A Modeling Observatory & Tool for Studying Individual Modeling Processes
by Benjamin Ternes, Kristina Rosenthal, Stefan Strecker and Julian Bartels